Rs Proxy Sequence Loader

by Ad Morris's Add-ons in Addons


RS Proxy Sequence Loader enables Redshift for Blender users to load RS proxy sequences in Blender (unsupported by the official Redshift add-on).

It allows users to create and export Redshift animations in other 3D applications such as Cinema 4D, Houdini, Maya, 3DS Max or Katana. Then import those in Blender as RS proxy sequences (.rs files).

Unlike problematic formats such as Alembic or FBX, RS Proxies enable a 1:1 recreation of whatever you see in the Redshift render view of any other 3D application. With the exact materials, motion blur or effects that would be difficult or impossible to re-create in Blender (i.e. sequences from Houdini).

RS Proxy Sequence Loader works both from the UI and the command line. With full support for render managers such as B-Renderon or Deadline (as long as the add-on is installed on all render nodes).

The add-on is also supported by GarageFarm (please see the Documentation page for the correct setup). If you operate another render farm service, please get in touch if you would also like to offer support.

Screen Shots


Filepath - Use this setting to point the addon to the location of your Redshift Proxy files (.rs). Both relative and absolute paths are supported and sequences are automatically detected.

Offset - Use this setting to offset the frame number that your RS proxy sequence should start at. By default, the addon will detect and use the frame range of the RS Proxy files. So if your RS Proxy frame range is 250-500, but you want it start at frame 0. You would use an offset value of -250.

Reload - Use this button to manually force Redshift to reload the selected proxy sequence (if needed).


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 month ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Extension Type N/A
License GPL
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