Rename Master

by Valentin in Addons

RenameMaster is designed for professionals and hobbyists alike, it provides an intuitive and versatile interface for renaming objects directly within the 3D Viewport. Whether you need to rename multiple objects with a consistent naming scheme or perform targeted text replacements, this addon offers a range of features to save time and increase productivity.


  1. Rename by selected Objects.
  2. Rename by Collection's name.

  3. - Base Name: Specify a new base name for selected objects or objects within a collection.
    - Prefix and Suffix: Add custom prefixes and suffixes to object names for better organization.
    - Sequential Numbering: Automatically append sequential numbers to object names with full control over:
         - Start Number: Define the initial number in the sequence.
         - Number Step: Set the step size for incrementing numbers.
         - Number Padding: Specify the number of digits for consistent formatting.


Replace specific text in object names using:

  1. Replace Selected: Apply the text replacement only to selected objects.
  2. Replace All: Apply the text replacement to all objects in the scene.
    Replace From: The text to find in object names.
    Replace All: Apply the text replacement to all objects in the scene.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 month ago
Software Version 4.3
Extension Type N/A
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