
by liuran in Models

Geo Flipbook is a preset is for creating Flipbook animation in blender.

Intro video


  1. Preset is made by geometry nodes, no scripts involved.And No page number limited.
    Many parameters that can be customized, such as the number of pages, the length and width of pages, the page distance, the starting angle, the ending angle, and so on.
  2. Use the UDIM image squence format. Easy for image replacement.
    The naming format for the UDIM squence:

  3. Two preset version: a portrait version and a landscape version.
    16:9  version:

    9:16  version :

  4. It includes the hand model and simple hand binding.

  5. Includes four preset table materials.

  6. Render with Eevee ,which is very fast!


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Sales 20+
Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
License Royalty Free
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