Tx Layer

by Bookyakuno in Addons



Support version

For Blender 3.4 or later, please use Tx Layer add-on ver 0.0.53 or later.
(Because the specifications of the Mix node have changed since Blender 3.4, it does not work with versions below ver0.0.52)

For Blender 4.0 or later, please use Tx Layer add-on ver0.5.7 or later.


There is an issue with the Bake [Batch] option that does not export correctly.
You can export each layer individually, the alpha like the original layer will not be output and it will be slightly thinner.


This version has add-ons from other authors that were the original.
It looks like it hasn't been updated for a while, so I updated it and added some features.

A free version is also available.
Proceeds will help in the development of this derivative version.

  • David DiGioia
  • Alexander Belyakov
  • Bookyakuno (This Version )


old versions.

The original author's distribution link and older versions can be found in the zip file in this thread.


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Sales 100+
4 ratings
Published about 3 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL