Ctrl Plus
Intuitive buttons and powerful shortcuts make using Blender easier than ever.
Buttons :
● Location Button
Opens the file browser directly to the location where the current Blender file is saved.

● Base Color Pass Toggle
Activates a simplified base color view in the Shader Editor. This helps isolate and use the eyedropper tool on base colors without any lighting effects.

● Save Viewer Node Image
Enables saving the image from the Viewer Node directly without the need to re-render.

● Snap Pivot Point
In Edit Mode: Snaps the pivot point to the selected vertex, edge, or face.
In Object Mode: Snaps the pivot point to the selected object.

● Snap 3D Cursor
In Edit Mode: Snaps the 3D cursor to the selected vertex, edge, or face.
In Object Mode: Snaps the 3D cursor to the selected object's pivot point.

Shortcuts :
● Ctrl+T
Splits the 3D viewport into two views: UV Editor and 3D viewport.

● Ctrl+Tab
- In Image Editor
Switches between the Image and UV Editor modes.

- In Shader Editor
Toggles between Object and World shaders.

- In Outliner
Toggles between Viewlayer and Blenderfile views

● Ctrl+Shift+ left-click Drag Up
Adds a camera to the scene and aligns it to the current viewport.

● Ctrl+Shift+Delete
Pops up the Purge menu for clearing unused data.

● Easy toggle on and off any button or shortcut
Go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons, and search for Ctrl Plus.

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new buttons ui blender-ui User-Friendly Interface ctrl plus quick action 3dblender 3d-user-interface