Mographfx Carl Animation & Physics Sim Expansion

by Carl's Sim Guides in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 20 ratings by the community.

  • sameer uddin
    8 months ago

    was a whimsical buy , but seems like abadonware as of now , no development since blender 3.0 . lets see if things move forward in the future , at this moment it feels rather bleak !

  • Carlz
    over 1 year ago

    Probably a good add on but the lack of documentation and video tutorials explaining how to use it or other ways to use it simply just sucks. Very disappointed on this add on because you are simply left out to figure it on your own. Not even sure wether it does really work because there are no turorials on how to use it or make it work in the first place.

  • Wally Mahar
    almost 2 years ago

    IF you want a good example of a plugin. look at flip fluids. example files. EXAMPLE FILES!! REALLY! MAYBE JUST ONE. ONE!??

  • Cyrus Ramos
    over 2 years ago

    The add on is good but we need more tutorial to explore this add on and to master this add on. really I like it but more tutorial it can be a massive positive feedback for you. I am waiting for new tutorial for this 2022. just 5 minutes tutorial if you can or maximum 10-15mins

    Thank you

  • Andy Redwood
    over 2 years ago

    Fantastic - there's probably no better value addon here on Blender Market. Great for simplifying the routine physics stuff, and looks good for Mograph too (I've only begun to explore this side of things).

    One request: more tutorials! The stuff on YouTube is really useful, but not very organised if you're looking for 'how to do X'. Maybe you could add chapters to the existing videos, so they're easy to navigate?

    Thanks for creating!

  • Andy Redwood
    over 2 years ago

    Fantastic - there's probably no better value addon here on Blender Market. Great for simplifying the routine physics stuff, and looks good for Mograph too (I've only begun to explore this side of things).

    One request: more tutorials! The stuff on YouTube is really useful, but not very organised if you're looking for 'how to do X'. Maybe you could add chapters to the existing videos, so they're easy to navigate?

    Thanks for creating!

  • James Tubbritt
    over 2 years ago

    Very disappointed with this purely from the point of view of there’s little to nothing to help you use this. What very few video’s there are on YouTube from the developer, they focus more on being an overview promotional video. Can’t seem to find any documentation either on how to use any of this. It’s probably a great product as it looks great in the promotional video’s, but it seems you are pretty much on your own in trying to figure out how it works.

  • Steffen
    over 2 years ago

    No yeah, of course. This is like a extension of your arms when you cannot reach something. And for the gotta be crazy not to get this. There is so much complete bs out there that costs as much or more.

  • Yusuf Semih Koçak
    almost 3 years ago

    Thats a really great addon. İt amazingly help you to create particle effects which you probably cant create manually

  • Ben Dansie
    almost 3 years ago

    Last minute, high profile job on a weekend - this plugin saved me a bunch of time and got the job over the line. Would recommend highly!

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Sales 500+
Customer Ratings 20
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Blender Version 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0
License GPL
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