Buildsnap - Procedural Buildings

by Alexis.egi in Modifier Setups

As stated in the description this blend file comes with BlendSnap the the Whole cyberpunk kit composed of 39 different assets.

BuildSnap creates a volume within your mase mesh and uses it to create evenly spaced square faces that are then used to correctly instance your modules.The geo node also has a ready to export option that realizes all your instances and enables you to export your building (just for optimization). 

BuildSnap takes the modules form different folders that the user has to input, this allows for a great customisation on even mix between different module kits. Bear in mind that not all folder inputs are mandatory for the building to be correctly created. The only mandatory folders are:

If you look into the modifiers tab of the building you will see the whole set up of the node. That can be divided into 3 simple parts:


    1-Colomns set up (vertical lines in the building( in the case of the cyberpunk modules these colomns are stairs))

    2-Props, with 3 types, General props (Whole building), upper props and lower props

    3-Modules folders, this is where you tell BlendSnap where to take each module. Keep in mind that in order to have a complete building you need at least Middle walls, ground walls (where you can also input the same folder as middle walls), ceiling and floating floor.  All the other folders are just decorations.



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Sales 10
Published about 1 month ago
Software Version 4.3
License Royalty Free