Bonex - Bone Physics Animation Driven By Physx

by oimoyu in Addons

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BoneX is a Blender addon helps you to create bone physics animation, driven by PhysX. PhysX is a mature physics engine used in game field, like UE4, U3D. Relying on PhysX to generate stable rigid body simulations, you can create bone physics effects for character animation. You can modify the properties of the rigid body and set its connection stiffness, damping quality, etc. to achieve the physical effects you want.

Vivid physics bring an unparalleled level of realism and depth to character animations. For those using Blender, many methods exist to achieve this, including cloth and rigid body simulations etc. In the realm of game engines, rigid body simulations often used for character physics. Despite my efforts to create a free addon blender_skirt_rigid_generator based on Blender’s rigid body simulation, it still with many problems. Consequently, I decided to develop this, leveraging the mature and reliable PhysX physics engine, which offers stable and fast result.

Platform Support: Windows

Blender Version: 3.6.1+ (below 3.6.1, although it can be installed, but realtime simulation is not available) (Goo Engine 3.6 is based on Blender 3.6.1 which can use realtime simulation)

UI Language Support: English, 日本語, 中文


①Relying on the mature physics engine physx, the simulation is stable, with less jitter

②Collision group mask to control collision interaction supported

③Custom collision body mesh supported

④Real-time playback interactions

⑤Partial simulation supported, helps you improve detailed adjustments etc.

⑥Support various constraints to ensure simulation quality


Disable Self Collision for skirt

The skirt needs a tightly surrounded rigid body to ensure that the legs will not penetrate, this means that the rigid bodies of the skirt are intertwined, so be sure to turn off self-collision (that is, turn off the "collision group" corresponding to the "rigidbody group" where the skirt is located)

Horizontal Soft connections avoid mesh stretching

Force Field

Cat Ear and Tail


Use "Enable gravity" disable the breast gravity, so that you can get better effect without breast sagging.

Soft connection avoid mesh stretching

This video shows the cloth simulation performance, the soft connections keep the horizontal bones relative position. And this video below also compare the difference between 255 iteration and 20 iteration. For the long chain, computer need a high iteration to get its accuracy position.


necklace example

Need some trick to achieve necklace, check the document for detail or example

Sub Step Simulation for High Speed Movement

When performing numerical simulations on a computer, time is not continuous. Time is split into tiny segment dt, dt=1/fps. For high-speed moving objects, if dt is too large, it will lead to rigid body penetration and inaccurate simulation. You can increase the sub step number when you need a more acurrate simulation(like 10 sub-steps will subdivide the current simulation time into ten parts, which means that 10 times the performance will be consumed), but keep it to 1 if you don't need it.

Character Demo

Blender file downloadable here


If you have any questions or suggestions, contact: [email protected]


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3 ratings
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
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