Bevel Weight Pie

by Hard Surface Professor in Addons

Bevel Weight Pie

Check out Modeler Pro 1.3 for a full modeling kit that includes this bevel weight pie among MANY other features! 

Most Recent Version: 1.0  (01/02/25)

  • Bevel weight pie:
    Pie menu that sets specific bevel weights. Very useful when trying to be precise with your bevel weights and also for high poly meshes where Blender's bevel weight tool starts lagging. 

    When using the "add bevel weight modifier" button it will add a bevel modifier set to limit method "weight" AND name your modifier to "Bevel - weighted" for an organized stack!

In example below when I set my bevel weights to 0.5, 0.25, and 0.5 all of those edges got automatically saved to the "SELECT weighted edges" so now I can easily select all edges of those bevel weight values

It's also able to read the current bevel weight value (if my tool was used) and then you're able to type in your own custom value. Useful for very precise work!:


This a Blender addon that has been tested to work in the following versions:

3.5 to 4.3


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Published 19 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
Extension Type N/A
License GPL
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