Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library

by Joris in Addons

25 Auto-Rig Pro creature rigs!
⚠️ This is not a standalone product, it requires Auto-Rig Pro.⚠️

The Rigs

  1. Allosaur
  2. Apatosaurus
  3. Bear
  4. Bird
  5. Cat
  6. Cow
  7. Crab
  8. Dog
  9. Dolphin
  10. Dragon
  11. Duck
  12. Elephant
  13. Giraffe
  14. Gorilla
  15. Horse
  16. Human
  17. Kangaroo
  18. Lizard
  19. Mouse
  20. Ostrich
  21. Pig
  22. Shark
  23. Snake
  24. Spider
  25. Turtle


Follow this tutorial on YouTube, or these steps below:

  1. First, make sure you have installed Auto-Rig Pro
  2. Download the auto_rig_pro_rig_library .zip file from Blender Market to your computer
  3. In Blender go to: Edit -> Preferences -> Get Extensions
  4. Open the dropdown menu in the top right corner -> Install From Disk -> browse to the auto_rig_pro_rig_library .zip file on your computer
  5. Restart Blender
  6. Go to the Auto-Rig Pro addon -> open the Add Armature dropdown menu -> notice the rigs have been added

    Easy Workflow

    1. Select a rig

    2. Scale the rig

    3. Adjust the number of bones

    4. Place the bones within your model

    5. Bind your model to the rig


    Animations Included

    Each rig contains at least 1 locomotion animation (for example walk, run, fly, jump or swim).

    Block Mesh

    A block mesh is included, which can be used as a reference for the placement of bones within your own model. It also acts as a visual guide when scaling the rig.

    Game Ready

    The rigs have been setup with export to a game engine (Unity/Unreal) in mind. All included animations are therefore animated on 30fps.


    If you're having any issues with the rig library please check the FAQ or have a look at the Youtube channel.



    • Converted the addon to Blender's extension system
    • The rig library now only supports Blender 4.2 and up
    • The rig library now only supports Auto-Rig Pro 3.69.10 and up

    • 25 rigs + animations


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    Sales 1800+
    12 ratings
    Published almost 2 years ago
    Software Version 4.3, 4.2
    Extension Type Add-on
    License Royalty Free