Align Pro: Axis And Normal (Beta)
AlignPro: Axis & Normal
"AlignPro: Axis & Normal" is a comprehensive addon for Blender, created to significantly expand object alignment capabilities. This tool goes far beyond standard functions, offering users precise control and flexibility in the process of positioning, orienting, and scaling objects. "AlignPro" is designed to optimize workflow and enhance accuracy when creating 3D scenes.
Axis Aligment Tools
This tool allows you to align objects relative to each other, the world origin, the 3D cursor position, or the floor plane. Alignment can be applied to all selected axes or to individual ones (X, Y, Z). Users can choose different reference points for alignment on the current and target objects: minimum point, maximum point, the center of the Bounding Box, or the object's pivot point. This flexibility allows precise control over which part of the object you want to align. In addition, this block includes functions for aligning object orientations along the local axes of the target object, which allows for precise matching of directions. This block also provides the ability to scale objects to the size of the target object along the selected axes (X, Y, Z). This allows for precisely fitting the dimensions of one object to another.

"Active" mode
Designed for aligning one or more selected objects relative to the active object in the Blender scene. The active object acts as the "target" or "sample", based on which the transformation of other objects occurs. This mode provides flexibility and interactivity, allowing precise positioning and orienting of objects based on user settings.
"Current and Target" blocks
Adjust reference points using Minimum, Center (bounding box), Pivot Point, and Maximum for both the "current" and "target" objects.
Align Centers
Align Pivots
"Align Orientation (Local)" block
Aligns the rotation of objects along the selected axes (X, Y, Z) relative to the orientation of the target object.
"Match Scale" block
Allows you to adjust the scale of selected objects along the selected axes (X, Y, Z), making their dimensions the same as the taget object.
"Origin" Mode
The "Origin" mode in the "Align To" block aligns the selected objects relative to the origin point (world center) of the scene. All objects will be moved so that their reference point coincides with the world center along the specified axes.
"Cursor" Mode
The "Cursor" mode in the "Align To" block aligns the selected objects relative to Blender's 3D cursor. All objects will be moved so that their reference point coincides with the position of the 3D cursor along the specified axes.
"Floor" Mode
The "Floor" mode in the "Align To" block aligns the selected objects to the floor (Z=0 plane). All objects will be moved so that their reference point touches the floor plane (Z=0).
Normal Aligment Tools
"AlignPro" offers an advanced system for aligning objects based on normal vectors. The user selects a point on the surface of one object, obtaining the normal vector at that point, and then selects a point on the surface of another object, obtaining the normal vector at the second point. After this, the first object is moved and rotated so that its face at the point of the first normal vector coincides in plane with the face of the second object at the point of the second normal vector. This feature also includes the ability to "flip" the selected normal and adjust the position and rotation offset, making the alignment extremely accurate and flexible. The tool visualizes the selected normals with a gizmo directly in the 3D view.
Equal Spacing Tools
The "Equal Spacing" tool allows you to distribute selected objects along one or more axes (X, Y, Z) at equal distances from each other. Users can choose different reference points for distribution: minimum, maximum, center of the Bounding Box, pivot point, or the Bounding Box of all objects. This allows for creating uniform and symmetrical compositions. There is also an option to adjust the distance between objects.
Interactive Real-Time Alignment
All key features of the addon work in real time, allowing users to see the results of their actions instantly. This greatly simplifies the setup process and provides a more intuitive workflow.
Convenient and Intuitive Interface